Artwork from Alison
What incredible artwork Alison was able to create from a Highland head. A great way to honor the animal. WOW - thanks so much for sharing Alison!
4H Raffle
Live Steer
We have been very active with 4H youth for many years and support their activity. One of our 4H youth, Tabitha raised a steer for the Gila County fair this year and unfortunately the steer did not gain enough weight to be included in the 4H auction at fair. The drawing took place November 15 at the Dairy Queen in Globe. And the winner is....Clint Taylor

Neighbors helping Neighbors
4H Raffle Live Steer
We have been very active with 4H youth for many years and support their activity. One of our 4H youth, Tabitha raised a steer for the Gila County fair this year and unfortunately the steer did not gain enough weight to be included in the 4H auction at fair. The drawing took place November 15 at the Dairy Queen in Globe. And the winner is....Clint Taylor

Beef Raffle
68 tickets sold
We delivered a check for $1,360 to the Gila County Cattle Growers Association to benefit the ranchers burned out and flooded by the Mescal/Telegraph Fires. Accepting the check was the President of the GCCGA, Frank DalMolin.
Thank you to Tori and John for the beef donation. Thank you for your support.
And the winner is .....Wilma Rohrhofer of Globe AZ. Congratulations Wilma!